These three paintings are by a New York-based tattoo artist and painter named Regino Gonzales, and they are making me right stupid au moment. Never before have I wanted a tattoo involving a black snake on my body as fervently as I want one right now. And the multimedia aspect, juxtaposing senses of real space and non-real space, is pretty genius.

Those mice are block-tan-coloured! Whole parts of that snake are smudged! The rabbit, tree, birds and random strings are perfectly centered in an empty field of whiteness! But the detail is so good, the mock-nature painting aspect is so spot-on, that it feels almost real enough to transcend the fuzziness, hot pink birds, and strangely contrived situations back into the genre/realm of a still life or something.

I wish I was an international playboy. I wouldn't need to work, I could spend my days writing and drawing, and I could solve all my problems by buying and commissioning art, and wearing sunglasses 83% of the time. True fax.