When the ink dries, we'll have another bastard's peace.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

period pieces

in reverse chronological order, because i'm dumb like that, here are the five poems that i wrote over the past five weeks that haven't been posted here yet.

sepia-tinted lust (a quick pitch in the haystack.)

lick your lips, taste defeat
unable to stay away
a few months of downtime
run your fingers through your hair
where did you go wrong?
fruit on the table, melted wax
memories burning to a crisp
memories of fantasies returning
and you'd like to say cease and desist
but there's something about the feeling
the sensation in your body
you can taste the anticipation as much
as you can't taste the fruit
but as pain and pleasure intermingle
the issue becomes moot.

a few minutes later,
you come to.

&& feel a little guilty.



the foreseen hard rain fell last night
iron fists in velvet gloves pounding the ground
bludgeoning the grass and the mind alike
without so much as a warning
from the weather channel.


for claire, with apologies.

emptied bottles; cans
mental and physical
litter this emotional no-man's land
i'm here and
s clear that things aren't easy
to understand
from the evolutionary biology to the ethics
to the religion — discussions i'm not quite sure
if i'd rather not have
but i have anyway
they leave me the worse for wear
to the point where dreams really might be
and your dreamt-of friends
are just outside your door;
just around the corner
waiting to be found if only i had
the good taste to wake up
on the right side of the bed.
goes to show what i know —
i woke up anyway. though
the rebukes were less stinging in real life
even if i knew why already.

but the most important thing is the binary
fear / and having forgotten it
it seems that's all there is these days

{i pause a moment to
take off my new
christmas gloves.}

and then resume

it's the gnawing, it's the cold
it gives me the shakes, the shivers, the fear
and as if that wasn't bad enough i'm not allowed
to be fearful, not by others
and not by the part of me that knows fear is stupid
because what i fear ain't avoidable
still i cling like a drowning rat of a man
drowning in debt / drowning in air , unable to breathe
falling from the nyse and accelerating
at 9.8 metres per second squared
only they don't use the metric system
in america.

(i would, of course, love to end there — my senses tell me
it would be a good place to end
but my logic tells me
the story's not half over and so
i continue)

this fear which like the cold
makes my heart flutter and pump faster
for a second or two
makes me ponder whether i have a heart disease
i'd love t o hear that. i've always wanted a doctor to examine me
and be in awe
and disbelieve
and wonder how i've lived a normal life
so far, how i managed to survive
and not even make a big deal of it
and i'd just say "i got used to it"
"i thought it was no big deal"
or whatever, like some kind of nonchalant
medical miracle but i've always wanted to be special
always wanted to have superpowers,
play in the nhl, be a rockstar
a writer a poet an artist
someone who doesn't fall in step
left right left right left
i always wanted that something more
which half of me laughs at
"yeah right you dumb fuck,
you're gonna be working nine to five like the rest of us
a job you hate, a boss you hate
coworkers you either want to strangle or you want to fuck
or maybe both
or maybe both at the same time, but fetishes are weird"
and the other half valiantly defends
"fuck you man
i was always different
always not quite the same stuff as
everyone else
always just a different shade of a similar story
but there's that difference
and that's what separates the people
who go on to be rockstars
or writers / poets / artists
from everyone else"
and then a third half of me comes in with
"oh but does a career really define a person?"
and the other two halves agree on that at least
but now the seed of doubt is sown
and i'm not so sure.
i'd like to believe when i hear
from other people
that i'm going somewhere,
that i've got a gift or a talent but fuck
who doesn't these days?
and there's, of course, always someone better.
a problem i'm quite familiar with.
and this desire to be special
to be specialer because everyone's special
is the kind of thing that both leads me in
and causes me problems
when you're told and
it should be accepted but
i need to be told again
reminded over and over
how goddamn special i am
which for one makes me just like every other insecure self-centered prick
and for two is ridiculous
neither of which are attributes i particularly want to embrace.
and i'm told this makes me a woman

i'm afraid.
it's not the first time i've realized
how dominated by fear i am
how many of my actions, how much of my character
just because i'm afraid. but this time it really scares me
(oh, the irony — it kills)
i don't even think it's normal and
if there's one thing i know
it's that as much as i hate keeping up façades
the one i most want to bring down is likely also the most necessary
concordantly, while i'm trying to sound like the architect here,
fear vis-a-vis real life is totally ridiculously wrong
nothing drives that point home harder than
the misplaced paranoia
that hits me every time i see two teenaged guys
talking to each other
while i'm on the bus
and somehow i think they're talking about me
and i kick the part of myself that's stupid enough
to think i matter enough
to think i put enough of a dent in anyone else's life just like that
for them to start discussing me and i wonder of course
how i would react if i heard two people plotting to mug
another stranger on the bus
i always get afraid in public because i know
(Based on me feelings at least)
how loath to intervene in that kind of thing
people truly are
would you tell a stranger if they were about to get fucked over?
weirdass situation, i know
and part of me tells the paranoid half
to stop being such a pretentious fearful self-centered moronic cunt
but i can never shake that fear
and that's...


volunteering information,
as has been told to me today already,
is some kind cardinal sin.
i won't lie if i'm asked but i know it won't come up
so i shut my mouth
sit down and huddle around my feelings
my whiny bitchy fearful feelings
god i'm a woman.

life goes on.

[wow, that's a terrible place to end.
i really am sorry.]

well merry christmas in any case.



like offending real-life autumn leaves
on perfect pale statues
of supine couples bent at the knees,
free of offending hues
(but for us.) and i don't know if they believe
but we both know it's true;
fingers intertwined and a whispered, "k please"
it's clear that you like me
and i like you.




she's a flame
and i don't want to play the blame game
but i'm starting to burn 'round the edges
oh, she's a flame

she's setting me alight
whirling dancing, shaking, really she's making
me high and i've got a few reasons why
tonight it's okay to die
going up in flames

she was flickering, she was blowing about
in the wind
she knocked on the door and i let her in
and now she's burning down the house
quiet as a mouse and she's in,

warming up the cockles of my heart
she's been singing me right from the start
but it's never been
such a bad thing
with her

oh, oh, she's a flame
and i don't want to play the blame game
but i'm starting to melt and regain
my happiness back once again

she's a flame.


that's all, folks.

1 comment:

Domino said...

absolutely love your poems. You are a poetry god. Keep up the good work.