When the ink dries, we'll have another bastard's peace.

Monday, December 10, 2012

can i even post things here without anyone i know reading them? i want to start a diary but it seems ridiculous to start an offline diary. but i also don't want any of my friends reading these things. like, i guess i'm ambivalent about strangers knowing details about me, it seems hard to imagine that having an impact on my life in any way. i've been thinking of re-starting this in a sort of high-school-y diary-ish kinda way just so i can have a log of what i was like and what i was thinking at this age later on. because i try to remember what i was like and what my motivations were sometimes and going back two or three years i sort of forget and i unconsciously rewrite my scripts. is that a better system? i don't know that it's worse, necessarily. but i kind of want to just keep track of myself for a bit.

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