When the ink dries, we'll have another bastard's peace.

Thursday, November 04, 2004


Only in America.

Only in America could they elect Bush, and then re-elect him four years later.

Only in America could 72% of Bush's supporters believe Iraq had either WMDs or a program to develop them and use them against the US of A-holes, despite the facts being readily available through all sorts of media.

Fuck Bush, sure, but more importantly, fuck America.

Fuck it.

Fuck 51% of fucking America voting for four more years of 1984.

Fuck the fact that Bush was facing off against Kerry and not against Nader. Fuck the electoral college system and anything that fucks with true democracy. Fuck the Bible Belt for giving Christianity a bad name.

Fuck all the arrogant Americans who see Canada as America's bitch, and fuck Canada for providing them with any kind of reason to believe so.

Fuck money and corruption and greed and fossil fuels and fuck humans for being so susceptible to temptation as to allow the world to descend into fucking madness the way it has and will continue to do so unabated unless something big goes down.

And fuck the whole world if and when something big goes down and they go in the exact opposite direction like they did on 9/11.

Fuck it all.

God, give the Democrats a viable candidate in the 2008 elections. At least. I'd prefer a complete overhaul of American politics, but I'll go for a Dem win in '08 over eight more years of war is peace, ignorance is strength and slavery's freedom.




Anonymous said...

Green Day Rocks me so hard that I could barely keep my pants on.


alex icon said...

Yeah, that'll be fun, Giuliani vs. Clinton, woohoo.

True Blues said...

There's nothing you can do, really.

America is America and will always be America.

So, we just have to grin and bear it for these next for years, or hope he pulls a Clinton and gets impeached.
