When the ink dries, we'll have another bastard's peace.

Friday, December 31, 2004

Listening to... The Libertines?

Iunno... 'sbetter than Franz Ferdinand, I guess.

It's New Year's fucking Eve and I honestly don't give a fucking shit...

I've gone off on how it's not fucking 2004 anyway too many times to go into it but I'm sure if you're reading this chances are you're smart enough to get it on your own.

Also, the fact that the year changes at the beginning of January seems rather pointless to me.

So fuck New Year's Eve, I say, it's not shit to me.

That then of course makes me sound like some disgruntled fuck who's pissed because he's spending New Year's Eve (too long to type - now it's NYE) alone and jealous of every person who's partying with friends and shit.

If anything it's my writer's block that's pissing me off more. Most of my friends aren't partiers anyway, and my five best friends are...

1) Doing something with her family
2) In another province.
3) Locked up inside anyway.
4) At her boyfriend's.
5) At 4)'s boyfriend's.

So meh.

*changes music to Anti-Flag*

good night all, and stay safe

(stupid fuckers shooting guns off to celebrate — as if people with guns weren't dangerous enough to begin with)



alex icon said...

Well, it's definitely not 2004 now...

But yeah, assuming the roman catholic church restarted the calendar the year Jesus was born, which is a stretch, considering the date of the apparition in the skies of what we call the Star of Bethlehem, which the "three wise men" followed to see Jesus' birth has been set at like... 3 BC, and the fact that the calendar started at one, not 0, gives you this year being 2007, cause 2005-1+3 = 2007.

And most people don't even give a damn about Jesus anyway, so I don't see why you follow a calendar based on the supposed date of his birth.

To top it all off, the December to January thing is really dumb... there's not much reason to have set the switch there, at all... it's not a change in season, it's not a solstice or equinox or anything, it's just... January to December. The 12 month, 365.24something day system wasn't set up until much later so the whole thing is really a mess.

Anonymous said...

don't hate on franz ferdinand.

thank you.


James said...

Write something, god damn it!

alex icon said...

I know, sorry.

I operate at


these days. I guess I kind of didn't tell anyone. And by anyone, I mean, basically you. And like... Liz. If she ever reads this.

Also, I don't hate on FF... I just don't actively like them.