When the ink dries, we'll have another bastard's peace.

Sunday, December 26, 2004

Wow, obviously I suck at blogging here now

Considering I haven't in more than a week. I guess it's because with greatestjournal I have more of a readership, I don't know. Which just proves that the only reason I'm doing this is to garner attention anyway, but that shouldn't have been a secret.

Christmas was weird.

It had its upmoments and its downmoments and I probably won't remember either in a year but the presents were great and there were no serious disagreements so I guess I can't complain.

In any case, I'm an emotional jumble these days, a feeling-y mistake and man I need psychiatric help.

But fear not, I'm getting it:

I have a digital camera now to take pictures of things. That totally makes things better.

So that's a lie. I was just trying to make you jealous, O reader.

So sue me.


1 comment:

alex icon said...

Yeah, well, it's difficult to see past the present... I'm surviving, though.

Presentations... eurgh. I have a long history of pain suffered because of those nasty things.

Christmas was nice. New Year's Eve is being shitty but then that I can take.

Have a happy one, in any case.