When the ink dries, we'll have another bastard's peace.

Sunday, August 29, 2004


238 pages. Rock on, me.

A few things of note:

I'm really lonely.

Still no computer.

Thinking about the future of my blog, which, as far as I know, has no readers so far. Kinda wondering just how much I should reveal given that I don't know who will read this in the future and/or who's reading it now and/or what someone who's reading it now or in the future will tell people thus exposing my deepest, darkest secrets to people I don't wish to enlighten on these subjects.

With all the potential for double-dealing going on, I'm starting to wish I was a criminal mastermind with an armed-like-a-SWAT-team posse to set on people.

Of course most of this is just me believing that I'm of any importance whatsoever to people.

At any rate, time, I think, for more summer reading.

That and dessert.

"...beat my compassion black and blue..."

That's Tool, just for a bit of variety.

Rock, rock on, as my soon-to-be-in-my-possession iPod says.

It and Cheat Commando Toys, but that's a whole 'nother blog entry.


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