When the ink dries, we'll have another bastard's peace.

Saturday, August 28, 2004

Well so much for my luck...

Not only did I not really talk to anyone on MSN last night, except for a short convo with Sachi that was really forgettable, but alsooooooo no iMac.

I'm starting to hate the good (or bad) people at BMac because damn you fix my freaking computer!


So, in lieu of doing something irrational like showing up at their warehouse with a sawed-off shotgun, like any good criminal mastermind would, actually scratch that, a criminal mastermind would send a posse armed like a SWAT team to get his computer back, I sit here on my parents' computer, wearing too-big boxers, having not eaten anything, nor left the house, nor done anything really and it's nearly 1 o'clock.

I am the picture of pathetic.

I could probably do with a girl right now.

But then, so could about half the world.

That's factoring in the lesbian population and factoring out the gay population.

Because they're probably close enough to approximately knock out the difference between the number of men & the number of women living on this planet.

Of course, my thinking is flawed.

Because what about pre-pubescent kids and people who are already in a relationship?


I'm a criminal mastermind. If my logic is flawed, I can have my armed-like-a-SWAT-team posse take you out just for good measure.

Don't fuck with me.


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