When the ink dries, we'll have another bastard's peace.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Forty-seven winks short of the impossible and I'm floating amongst the dead & gone...

How could Math class be so poetic? Who knew?

At any rate, now, along with Chemistry and Mr. Zigby, I have a third pimp, Mr. Zwetkow.



Yeah, not cool. I'd appreciate at least a pass on the Physics labs, and maybe a pass + better than all my friends so they can burn in Limbo for not having been SciFair partners with me.

Now I'll have to be alone, and my project will sUx0r the penis.


On the, um, good news front [GNF] I aced the Econ test... 28/30... Not too shabby at all.

Maybe my Economics mark will cancel out my Math mark and I'll make honour roll with flying colours!

Of course, then something will have to cancel out my English, French, Chemistry and Physics marks. I don't see that as being physically possible, unless I get 1,000,000,000 % in History.

Who knows, stranger things have happened, like [no I'm not obsessed]

I had a stroke today.

As in, as I was trying not to kill something on the heels of my math failure, and loading and unloading my bad with my locker, Jin walked on by, and stroked me as she passed.


As far as I can tell, this is just some "oh-he's-supposed-to-like-me-but-he's-ignoring-me-so-I'll-breach-the-physical-barrier-to-see-what-happens" type thing.


Anyways, poor Them is irritable because D. is away on the Stratford Trip [eSTi] so I won't make any jokes at his expense, especially not about his Math abilities.




1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Irritable? I hadn't noticed. Maybe I am...
I'm telling you man, put all your bad marks on your wall. It helps. For real.
I think you'll need to elaborate on the nature of the stroke, but either way, I vote you ask her out. By the end of the week, meaning, tommorow.
I say tommorow because it gives you less time to contemplate yourself, and therefore decreases your chances of fucking up. I see one of two things happening, she agrees, and you go on from there, to where ever that may take you, or she disagrees, and you move on to the next one on your list(white girl, anyone?) and lose nothing but a little self confidence (I don't think you can have negative self confidence, can you?).
So do it. For real.
