When the ink dries, we'll have another bastard's peace.

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Now for that long, extended-type blog post I was talking about...

You know, regular-style.

More than 200 words, if you will.

Si tu voudrais.

My French always feels incorrect, even when it isn't, I don't know. C'est un peu penible.

Anyway, today was more or less eventless.

Caught the early bus, which was cool.

Didn't take any tests, had three consecutive remplaçantes for the last three periods, didn't make out with anyone, etc.

Got back my Econ and Hist marks, 93 and 84 respectively.

I need to step my History test game up.

Rise to meet the challenge, or something.

Get better than 84, for certain.

Anyway, I have a hockey game in about 50 minutes, I need to leave in about 15, should be exhausting, hopefully less so than last time.

Should take up enough time for alla yous to get online and be on msn/reply to me/blog/etc.

Go nuts, I say, but not quite Bill O'Reilly style.

Certainly don't start talkign about vibrators 24/7

Bwahaha. Check the Smoking Gun site.

Peace izzout of stock.

I mean, peace out, sorry.


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