When the ink dries, we'll have another bastard's peace.

Sunday, October 10, 2004

Man, the design of this site is lacking.

Too bad you can't be more liberal in your choosing of layouts and design your own to an extent. Maybe a switch to greatestjournal is in order? My problem with that is that Blogger rocks GJ's socks.

We'll see.


So my profile is updating again... I'm averaging 310 words a post or so. Pretty slick.

I said, a few hours ago, that the mechanics had changed. I'm still convinced of that. Here is the story.

"...push the envelope, watch it bend..."

In this case the envelope = Dehui's patience with my antics.

Apparently last night, everything I did in relation to Jin was == an enormous faux pas, and that now that they've told her that I tentatively like her (I hope that's what they told her at any rate) she's puzzled and/or weirded out by my lack of visible feelings toward her. This is mostly because this kind of stuff has happened before and I don't want to make the same old mistakes - so I'm cool with making a whole set of new ones, I guess, in this circumstance. In the past generally Alex's approach into something like this was to go super-emo, and pay attention to only Jin, really until everyone else knew about it and that put extra strain on me - and to boot I had no chance anyway, so it was just a great big ugly mess. Secondly, like Sandee said, Jin has an attitude which I don't want to run afoul of, and I certainly don't want to presume that she tolerates and/or accepts my semi-feelings for her. So lacking confidence and cold, hard facts on the matter, I do nothing. Forgive me if this sounds logical, I tend to think things over a lot.

Anyway, I've got lots of time, and, barring her getting asked out by anyone else [though come to think of it... that's a distinct possibility... that sort of mistake has tripped me up in the past. though i doubt i could have made much of a difference had i taken a different chain of action.] my chance, or chances, will come, and depending on how this unfolds, things will happen. Should be interesting. I'd like to invite you all along for the ride. Cordially, even, too.

I wanted to talk to Dehui about this beforehand [before the blog post, if you folla me] because I figured maybe some info from her would clarifiy matters, and maybe make her annoyed, which is always amusing [i kid, i kid, stop hitting me] being that she talked to both Jin and Sandy about the whole mess last night behind [literally] my back.

So it seems that the success, if that's what you call it, of the poetry experience, was diminished noticeably by my screw-ups last night. I don't think the middle finger over my shoulder helped either.

And got heim Brian and Ray were idiots. Oi. My bleeding eyes, and ears, ugh.

Anyway, stay hip and happening folks, I'm off to listen to some better music than yours. If San, D., or Them reads this, and wants to comment on the situation, hit me up email-style.



alex icon said...


I can't believe anyone would go out with Brian. Ray, maybe, but only for like, a week or two.

Now, to the important part, and thanks for commenting, you more-or-less addressed what I was looking for. You did, however, manage to skip over the fact that I can be obsessed with someone and not truly like them. Obsession != likenage. I've made this mistake before. Or at least, it != successful relationships, thus, I am taking this slowly.

alex icon said...


The awkward idiot parts are a given with me, it doesn't matter who the girl is, what the situation is, it's just a given. Seriously, you have no idea if you think they can be done away with. It's not that easy.

alex icon said...

Wow, that comment made a lot of sense.

It was kinda of... ramble-y.

Not to mention, ew, Ray, ewww.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I seem to have missed alot by going away for the weekend, looks like I really am the glue ethat holds together all of your sanity...

Aside from that, it's mildly amusing how much people change when shielded by the warm, emotional blanket which we call the internet (me included, no self-illusions here).
Plus, I think I can say moderately unbiastly (I don't care if that's a word or not) that D really did kinda give you a good talkin' to, although it is nothing I haven't been through with you before, and I don't know if you'll ever do anything to change it anyways.

So in conclusion, sounds like I really missed some party on saturday...
And if you haven't firgured out who this is by now: