When the ink dries, we'll have another bastard's peace.

Monday, October 11, 2004

Read between the lines of what's fucked up and everything's alright

Or, make that nothing.

Nothing's alright.

This weekend has been piss.

Pure, straight, unadulterated urine on alexei.



You have no idea how badly i need respite from this trash. Oh it's been so bad... gah.

My cousins and aunt came over. They weren't so bad but they added nothing and were a chore to deal with. I got a good argument on abortion in, three decent chess games, and I played a little bit of basketball.

No one was online, ever, until today, and even then it wasn't that great [mostly because no Them X(] and the aftermath of the Sandy's Party fiasco resulted in a severely depressing conversationg with Dehui. My parents are getting after me about getting a job, I forgot a whole lot of fucking shit at school, including my science fair sheet, which is due tomorrow and has to be signed by my parents, not to mention I don't have a partner because the rest of BC screwed me over [You have no idea how much i ache inside...] and I'll have to study for my physics test throughout the day. This weekend has been mostly an exercise in "let's-see-how-much-we-can-make-alex-hate-himself-o-rama" whoop de fucking doo ...

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