When the ink dries, we'll have another bastard's peace.

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Just for the novelty of it all...

I thought I'd blog from school.

This will be short, but I'll blog when i get home, no worries.

Peace y'all.



True Blues said...

You jacked my idea, you "voleur."

I did it first!

Boy, I oughta...

alex icon said...

Whoa, it's true! [blues!]

What I mean to say is, I never even thought of that for a second, like, at all, when I was posting this.

However, that being said, I'll give props where props are due.

So, despite the fact that probably something like 1 million people have done that already, props to ya.


True Blues said...


I realized that after I made the comment.

However, what I was trying to get across was the fact that, I, being a student in Ontario, have learned French.

I was merely practicing my Francais.


That was a terrible excuse, besides I jacked your line, "Two."

Muah ha ha ha ha.

alex icon said...

Well, I'm impressed, to say the least.

French, as you can maybe tell, is the flavour of the week.

Also, I'm not one to hold grudges about little things like numbers.

Unless you steal my money.
