When the ink dries, we'll have another bastard's peace.

Sunday, September 12, 2004

Ahh... sleepy, sleepy Sundays,

awash in a sea of social politics that's threatening to pull me under.

Life is cute, in a "Nice try, buster, but no cigar." kinda way.

It gets annoying after a while.

Of course, I'm probably expecting too much because I grew up so insulated.

On the, um, Western front, nothing much's happening. I slept through until the afternoon again, thereby missing church for the nth time. I should really stop going to bed around 4.

One thing that really irritates me about myself is that I'm rarely sure of anything, especially in the social field. I'm constantly second guessing myself in terms of how I act and react, and trying to guess what people are thinking. I usually end up taking these invented thoughts too far and then do something rash. It's really fucking annoying. Like I said, social politics.

On other sides, no lyrics lately, I'm suffering from a blockage or something, and things could go anywhere from here school-wise.

Down-birthday-to-count: 3.5 (counting the rest of today)

Arts & Lit. position, you gonna be my bitch.

"...yeah you're trying to tire me, tire me / i can see you in front of me / you're tring to tire me, tire me / why don't you get from in front of me..."

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