When the ink dries, we'll have another bastard's peace.

Friday, September 24, 2004

As we / move into two-thousand-four /

At my aunt's house in Ottawa...
As we / move into ninety-two / still in a room without a view...

Okay, so bad rip-off of Rage, but hey, that's me.

From what Them told me, his day sucked, and D.'s did kinda too. The rest of you, I don't know.

I hope y'all did okay, wherever you were.

I'm chilling up here in O-town [heh] with my aunt and cousins, just watched Prinncess Mononoke for the second time (O_O) I fucking love that movie. It's, and this is decisive, my favourite movie of all time as of now.

It r0x0rz my b0x0rz harder than anyone alive.


Anyway, I need some real, non-breakfast McDonald's soon. I'm hungry, San^2 style.

I'll catch you all later.

"...drop the a u t o l o g i c (go!)(go!)(go!)(go!)(go!)(go!)(go!)(go!)(go!) ..."



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