When the ink dries, we'll have another bastard's peace.

Friday, September 17, 2004

Well, I wrote some decent lyrics for once...

But they're way too personal to post.

So, you get nothing.


Well, in the spirit of using foreign languages, I'll leave you the lyrics of Tool - Message to Harry Manback

Message To Harry Manback lyrics

[words in brackets unclear]

Figlio di puttana, sai che tu sei un pezzo di merda? [1]

Hm? You think you're cool, right? Hm? Hm?
When you kicked out people [out of] your house

I tell you this, one of three Americans die of cancer,
you know? Asshole.
You're gonna be one of those.

I [don't have the] courage
to kick your ass directly.
Don't have enough courage for that,
I could, you know.

You know you're gonna have another accident?
You know I'm involved with black magic?
Fuck you. Die. Bastard.
You think you're so cool, hm? Asshole.

And if I ever see your fucking face around,
In Europe or Italy,
Well I'll -- That time I'm gonna kick your ass.
Fuck you. Fucking Americans, Yankee.
You're gonna die outta cancer, I promise.

[Bang bang / Deep pain]

No one does what you did to me.
You wanna know something? Fuck you.
I want your balls smashed, eat shit. Bastard.

Pezzo di merda, figlio di puttana. [2]
I hope somebody in your family dies soon.

Crepa, pezzo di merda, e vai
a sucare cazzi su un aereo! [3]

[1] Son of a bitch, do you know you are a piece of shit?
[2] Piece of shit, son of a bitch.
[3] Die, piece of shit, and go suck dicks on a plane!

Cute, no?

It manages to be really cool, despite being spoken word. I really like how it's spoken, and the background music is pretty cool.

It's not nearly the rockingest song on the album, though.

In other news, yesterday's blog post didn't go over so well.

So, to any and all BC members reading this, I apologize if you feel insulted. I'm not trying to be a jerk. I love you all, and I totally appreciate that you'd do something like this for me. The fact that I didn't totally enjoy it isn't any fault of yours, nor mine really. I just don't like eventful mornings. I can't deal with stuff until about 9 o'clock. And what you did was nothing short of revolutionary in Alex terms - never seen before and highly unlikely to ever be seen again. You rocked my world so hard I couldn't even enjoy myself. I apologize. And I thank you. <3

Furthermore, school is still boraang. Natheeng's happening. I can't wait until the meeting after school on Monday. I'm psyched. And I had a third-person battle with Mel that managed to stay civilized - and I backed down before it got anywhere. Maybe we'll be able to co-exist after all. *fingers crossed*

Ugh, as Zack de la Rocha might say. I got my mail from Encounters with Canada (Ew/C [ewoks!], to those in the know) and I'm going from Nov. 21 to 27. I dunno if I'll be there with anyone from school.

I remember when that was the biggest trouble between me, Them and D, who would go on the Ew/C trip.

Ah, those carefree grade ten days.

I leave you with a bunch of progressively shorter quotes from Township Rebellion that I wrote down in math class.

"...freedom should be fundamental / in johannesburg / or south central..."

"...why stand on a silent platform / fight the war, fuck the norm..."

"...rebel, rebel and yell / cause my people still dwell in hell..."

"...this is a stick-up / our freedom, or ya life..."

"...when ignorance reigns / life is lost..."


"A good chemist is at least six times as smart as the average Grade 11 student."

But I really meant observant.

Q: Why don'tcha chew on that and smoke it?

A: It's tobacco, you fucker.


1 comment:

alex icon said...
