When the ink dries, we'll have another bastard's peace.

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Another day, another outlook...

Meaning, things look less crappy. I got my iMac back, finished my summer reading, French test over, etc.

I have three gripes right now, none of which are as bad as yesterday. But.

1) MSN's not working. This is pissing me off like hell. MSN maintains that neither of my email addresses exist, despite the fact that I can log into .NET passport with both. Yeesh.

2) I'm not in Pre-Cal. Math 536 is so boring that it's physically painful. God willing I'll be able to switch out.

3) If I do manage to switch out, it'll disrupt the rest of my schedule... to what extent I'm not sure but either way I like it the way it is. If I have to decide between Pre-Cal and a decent rest of the schedule, I don't know what I'll do.


"...now how you gonna get what you need ta get? / tha gut-eaters, blood-drenched, get offensive like tet..."


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