When the ink dries, we'll have another bastard's peace.

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

I know, I know...

I didn't post yesterday.

I'm sorry, I was sick, you jerks.

Not too sick to see the Expos get raped by the Marlins, but still.

Also, I got sidetracked by an unfortunate incident with my internet connection.

I'll let my parents tell you about that one.

Anydangwaytizzle, as, um, Strong Bad, if he was me, would say, today sucked royally, as many of you already know, on many different fronts. There were bright spots but on the whole the day was != cool.

On a plus note, I made a good fiscal decision today, even if I only got 8/10 on the Econ test... hahaha Them knows what I'm talking about.

I'll probably have to do my French oral tomorrow but thankfully I'm not stressing yet.

That'll change.

I need anger management... I have so much pent-up hostility towards myself. I can only imagine what it'll look like if ever I get like, I dunno, a 75 average this term or something like that.

God forbid things get so bad. I think I'm more in control of myself than that.

I think.

Anyway, I gotta wrap this up.



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