When the ink dries, we'll have another bastard's peace.

Monday, September 20, 2004

The blog goes marching in...

Song of the moment: Reel Big Fish - Where Have You Been?

This song has nothing whatsoever to do with me. I've never had an experience like the one in the song, and for all I know I never will. I can't relate to it in any way except it's about girls and depressing, like most pop songs with trumpets [eh, Them? XP] but it's still a fucking awesome song to listen to when I'm down, or when I'm not, I guess. Awesome guitar solos.

Anyway, as for my life, I missed church again. I'm still not sure this is an entirely bad thing because church tends to suck and leave me feeling depressed for some reason, but it's certainly not a good thing because without it my faith atrophies. I did catch Crossroads, though only barely because my shit wasn't straightened out beforehand so I got there about two hours late - missed the barbeque entirely, didn't talk to Nikki at all, and the socializing for the most part felt forced and construed. It was not real real cool and now I'm kinda depressed about the whole thing.

En plus, as if I needed any further proof that I need to get my shit together, I'm still working on my French analyse littéraire at this God-forsaken hour of the morning. That and my back hurts like a bia.

On top of all this crap, I had a talk with Ali last night, who, and I suppose she has a good damn point, feels she's being squeezed out of my life by the sudden appearance of the Breakfast Club, and that because I'm spending time with you guys, I'm spending less with her. She also wants me to have some sort of birthday party, except that for all intents and purposes mine was 16/09/04 at 7:00 in the morning and she wasn't invited.

So. dilemma-city. Dilemmacity, if you will. I don't know what to do.

Anyway, short post because I gotta finish up my French homework.

I'll email Henry [hanrahan!] tomorrow. Maybe I'll give him the url to this dingy place. Easy to keep tabs on me, I guess, I dunno. Whatever. Good night, or morning, depending what time zone you're in and when you read this. Given that, good afternoon and Happy Christmas as well.


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